Of all the PC parts that we research and drool over, YouYube, pre-order, and add to cart, there is one that is almost always left of the list. Not only do they not get much attention from most builders, they are often forgotten until the very end. And it’s a complete shame really because a hasty or monetary based decision can often lead to a less than desireable finished product. So what is this red headed stepchild of the PC? Fans of course! Personally I love fans. They are one of the first things that I consider when working on a new build. The reason as I said, is that your fan choice can seriously make or break your rig. Budget fans are often noisy, gaudy, and will generally fail early or arrive non-functional altogether. Fortunately our beloved parts manufacturers have your back and there is a whole load of options to choose from. Today we’ll be taking a look at a brand new offering from one of the strongest companies in the market, the ML120 PRO LED by Corsair. Follow along as we try out a set of six of these new air pushers to see if they are worthy of more of your attention or just another boring plastic square to pass over.